Homa Farming


Homa Farming:
It is a healing fire from the ancient science of ‘Atharvaveda’. It is a process of purifying the atmosphere through a specially prepared fire
performed at sunrise and sunset daily. It envolves burning of specific organic substances like cows ghee, rice grains, twigs of plant like peepal, bael etc. It is also known as the “Maharishi” vedic organic agriculture, since it was earlier mentioned in ‘Atharvaveda’ and it had been practiced successfully by ‘Rishis and Maharishis’.
The science and the belief behind it:
Utilizing the healing fire, holy ash & vedic sounds, the sounds of natural law to awaken the inner intelligence of the plant and promote a peaceful healthy life for all who eat them. The chanting of mantras removes negative energies from the environment. The basis process performed in Homa farming is Agnihotra. Agnihotra is a healing fire from the ancient science of Ayurveda. It is a process of purifying the atmosphere through a specially prepared fire which is performed daily at sunrise and sunset. The beneficial effects of Agnihotra help
to reduce stress, improve overall health and provide positive energy. This simple yet powerful tool is used across the planet by people from all the walks of life with amazing results that help to transform their lives and heal the planet.
Materials Required:
Pyramid: Copper pyramid which has capacity of all the electricity energies and others. Rice: Only unbroken rice should be used. Cow Ghee: It is a very special medicinal substance, when used in Agnihotra fire. When cow ghee is burned with rice it purifies atmosphere and also induces rain. Cow dung Cake: Patties of fresh cow dung is prepared and dried in sun. Dried Cow dung has been found to be rich in Actinomycetes and treated as medicine in all ancient culture from India to North or South America, Scandinavins, East or West Europeans or Asians.
Method of preparation of Agnihotra Fire
Arrange pieces of cow dung in such a manner to allow free passage of air. Apply a little ghee to small piece of patty, light it and insert in the pyramid. Don’t use any mineral oil or blow through mouth to make fire. At sunset & sunrise utter the Agnihotra Mantras and after the word Swaha add a few grains of rice coated with ghee to the fire. The practice should be initiated with sunset followed in morning
Morning Agnihotra
Suryaya swaha Suryaya idam na mama (add first pinch of rice) Prajápataye swaáhá, Prajápataye idam na Mama(add second pinch of rice)
Evening Agnihotra
Agnaye swaáhá, Agnaye idam na mama (add first pinch of rice) Prajápataye swaáhá, Prajápataye idam na Mama(add second pinch of rice)
It is a total and complete organic farming with assured yield.
Produces healthy soils, healthy plant life and healthy yield
Restores natural taste, color and flavour of the yields.
Improve the cooking quality of rice and other cereals.
Reduces incidence of pests and disease and there by the need of pest control measure
Ecofriendly. Safe to handle. Cost effective. Leads to sustainable agriculture.

Effect of Homa Farming on Soil & Crop
By applying the energetic ash the soil quality is improved successively from year to year. Soil structure will become very friable < has good water retention and contain ample essential nutrient.It also controls the pests and diseases. Fertility of the soil is also increased and it also purifies the water. Some scientists discovered that agnihotra ash contain 94 elements. This ash acts like a catalyst on plant growth in homa atmosphere plants develop leaf vein that are cylindrical and larger than normal due to this water and nutrient be more easily assimilated by the plant. Agnihotra ash increases the amount of water soluble phosphorus available to the plant in the soil this have great effect on growth and reproductive cycle. Homa atmosphere is also conducive for theproduction of chlorophyll. Hence, increase photosynthesis and respiration this in turn promotes the proper oxygen cycle in nature. Plants that grow in homa atmosphere display a greater array of cell structure.
Plant Nutrient Solution:
To make an Agnihotra plant nutrient solution, up to 4 tablespoons of Agnihotra ash and up to 4 tablespoons of pulverized, dried cow dung are stirred in approximately 5 liters of water and then applied to plants. This may be repeated every 14 days, depending on how much it is needed.
Treatment of seeds andbulbs before planting and sowing:
Seeds and bulbs are treated i.e., impregnated with a mixture of Agnihotra ash and cow urine. It is recommended to prepare a mixture of cow urine and water in a ratio of 50:50, to which up to 4 tablespoons of Agnihotra ash per 5 liters of solution are added and stirred. Seeds and bulbs should be soaked in this solution for 30-40 minutes. This strengthens the germinating plant and makes it more resistant to pests. Like cow dung, cow urine has antibacterial effects and provides a protective coating around the seeds and bulbs. After this time of treatment, seeds are spread on filter paper or other absorbent paper to dry. They should be dry enough to spread but moist enough so that the core of the seed doesn’t dry out. Through the impregnation, germination is started which would be ended if the seeds completely dried out. Bulbs may be planted immediately after being treated with the solution.
In addition to the above, plants can be fertilized with a mixture of Agnihotra ash, stinging nettles and water. This special liquid fertilizer strengthens the plants. The stinging nettles are fermented i.e., decomposed in the water for 7-14 days, depending on weather conditions and the amount of nettles needed. This mixture should then be diluted to a solution with a ratio of 1:9. In other words, 1 part stinging nettle solution is mixed with 9 parts water and filtered with a fine screen (sieve) into a spraying container or watering can.
Effects of Homa Farming on Environment:
Homa application is a practical contribution to environment protection because they purify the atmosphere and improve the quality of air, water and soil. The pyramid form and the copper act as a generator of negative ions these ions have a harmonizing effect on the environment and a positive effect on well being of people. Cow dung contains the substance similar to pencillin which has a disinfecting effect and reduce pathogenic bacteria. According to vedic scriptures cow dung reduces the radioactive radiations. Bees are also attracted to the homa energies. They enable them to fulfill their task of pollinating plants more effectively. In addition to this, bees produce a special hormone in the homa atmosphere which consumed through the honey and strengths the immune system of the people. It is concluded that Mankind has poisoned the nature and soil with artificial fertilizers. Effects of chemicals are well known like damaged ozone layer, dying forests, extinction of plant and animal species etc. Homa farning is helpful in purifying the atmosphere, soil and water. Homa farming is also helpful in the reduction of pests in the fields. The soil in homa atmosphere holds moisture better than the conventional farmer’s field. Bees also get attracted to homa atmosphere which ultimately increases the rate of pollination. Homa farming can be helpful in attaining higher yields without using chemicals. HOMA is the way to save our planet from POLLUTION.